
Ground Floor

A very complex interior of several phases. During the late C19 much of the Jacobean panelled interior was “restored” or
rather recreated and may have been brought here from another building. The original window in the west wall was blocked
at some time (possibly during the 18th century). The C19 additions in the form of arcaded Jacobean panelling covered over
this window and the whole interior was re-worked with lavish and grotesque Neo-Jacobean carving, including ornate doors
and doorcases, overmantel and fire surround and herm figures, all very exaggerated and Baroque in character. The surviving
evidence suggests that the introduced C17 panelling and the new carving was all carried out at the same time, by different
hands. The marked difference in colour between the panelling and doorcases may have increased over time as stains and
varnishes have discoloured
C17 – The spine beams and joists date from the early C17; chamfered with stops. These were embellished with additional
strapwork mouldings in the C19
Early C18 – Bolection moulded black marble fireplace of the late C17 or early C18
Carved oak arcaded panelling has been inserted into a C19 oak framework. The four tiers of arcaded panelling extend to the
soffit of the smaller window and behind the doorcases and is probably an adaptation of early panels within later rails and
additional carved panels to make up the shortfall
Late C19 – To this panelling has been added heavy ornamental mouldings & carvings in the form of a series of grotesque
figures, herms, to either side of the arched screen, a neo-Jacobean fireplace surround & overmantel & doorcases with
heavily carved pediments, all in a dark wood. The original finish to the wood (dark brown stain & varnish) has been overpainted
in the window bay & has darkened in other places, so that the final effect is of a blackened colour to the Victorian
additions against the mellow golden brown of the panelling

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